Academic Units

Department of Accounting And Tax ApplicationsThe purpose of the Accounting and Tax Applications program; To record the transactions that occur in enterprises and that can be expressed in money, and to ensure that the results are determined and interpreted. For this purpose, the students; He tak ...Department of Aquatic ProductsKahta Vocational School of Fisheries Program was opened on 21.10.1997 under the name of Harran University. On September 15, 2000, the Trout Farming Facility in Net Cages with a capacity of 30 tons was put into operation in the Atatürk Dam Lake Kahta ...Department of Architecture and Town PlanningMAP AND CADASTRE TECHNICIAN Map and Cadastre Technician is to perform calculations and drawings from the information obtained from the field with electronic measuring instruments, to make calculations and drawings in computer environment, to produce ...Department of Computer TechnologyWhat is the Computer Programming Department? Computer Programming is an associate degree program and the aim of the department is to train people who can program computers and create software and bring them to the sector. It is among the main fea ...Department of Finance, Banking and InsuranceHead of Department Message… Sourcing and assurance services are important requirements in economies. Banking and insurance systems, which play an important role in meeting these requirements, also contribute to the development and progress of econom ...Department of Plant and Animal ProductionThe main purpose of the Plant and Animal Production Department is; To train technical personnel who have sufficient knowledge and practice about the production, quality, control, preservation, preparation of plant and animal products, and who can mee ...Department of Tourism and Travel ServicesTourism and Travel Services Associate Degree Program; It aims to train qualified intermediate manpower that can undertake responsibility in various departments of tourism and travel businesses, open and run a workplace on its behalf when the necessar ...Department of VeterinaryLaborant and Veterinary Health Program; To take precautions regarding health and work safety in the working environment as a priority. To have the laboratory equipment regularly maintained and to work in the most efficient way. Determining the labora ...

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