Department of Accounting And Tax Applications

The purpose of the Accounting and Tax Applications program; To record the transactions that occur in enterprises and that can be expressed in money, and to ensure that the results are determined and interpreted. For this purpose, the students; He takes accounting-related field courses. Our students develop the accounting they have learned theoretically with Office Programs and Package Programs by using computers and gain professional competence in accounting. Our college students, II. At the end of the semester, he performs his compulsory internships covering 45 working days in the sector.

Those who graduate from the department of accounting and tax applications are entitled to receive an Associate Degree with the title of Accounting Professional. Students can choose the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) of the relevant departments of four-year faculties. In addition, they have the right to complete their undergraduate education by passing to the third year of the Open Education Faculty without an examination. Students who have completed their undergraduate education can have the title of Independent Accountant and Financial Advisor after three years of internship and if they are successful in the Independent Accountant and Financial Advisor exam.

Undergraduate Programs that can be transferred from Accounting and Tax Applications Department:

Accounting and Financial Management
Accounting and Finance Teaching
International Finance
International Business
international trade
International Trade and Finance
International Trade and Business
Labor Economics and Industrial Relations
Public administration
Business Information Management
Business Informatics
Logistics Management 

The mission of the program;

Our graduates have proven themselves at every level, preferably, can make a difference in her workplace, increase productivity, problem solving skills developed, with advanced knowledge and skills related to the field of individuals is to program the most preferred in the rear Turkey.

The vision of the program;

It is a program that raises individuals who can analyze and interpret using knowledge, produce solutions, combine with life, are experts in their fields, keep track of innovations, keep up-to-date by constantly improving themselves, are responsible and highly self-confident.