About Us

Kahta Vocational School was established in accordance with the article 7/d2 of the Law numbered 2547 and amended by the law numbered 2880, adopted at the meeting of YÖK on 16.10.1997, Aquaculture, Field Crops, Tourism and Hotel Management programs were opened on 21.10.1997, but in 2000 Since there was not enough infrastructure in 2013, the Tourism and Hotel Management Program was included in the Şanlıurfa Vocational School. In addition, Computer Programming and Map Cadastre Program was opened in Kahta Vocational School on 08.02.2000, and students were accepted to these two programs in the same year. Accounting program was opened on 11.03.2005 and 40 students were enrolled. In accordance with the articles of 2880 amended 7/d-2 and 7/h of the Law numbered 2547 taken at the meeting of YÖK on 14.02.2008 and the 4th article of the Law numbered 3843, Accounting Second Education Program, Field Crops 2nd Education, Aquaculture 2nd Education and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Program has been opened and 40 students have been enrolled in these programs in the same year. On the same date, the Organic Agriculture Program was also opened. Ornamental Plants Breeding First and Second Education Programs were opened on 15.01.2009. Cattle and Ovine Breeding and Greenhouse Farming Programs were opened on 15.04.2009 and education started with 45 students in the same year. Laborant and Veterinary Health Program was opened on 02.02.2012 and 40 students were admitted in the same year. On 02.05.2013, Laborant and Veterinary Health Second Education, Banking and Insurance Second Education, Tourism and Travel Services and Horticulture Program was opened and the same year it accepted students. Food Technology Program was opened on 25.02.2015. In 2017, with the decision of YÖK, student admission to all Second Education Programs was suspended and the proposal for closing some programs within our University that did not accept students was opened for discussion at the Higher Education Council meeting dated 01.07.2020. In accordance with Article 7/d-2 of Law No. 2547 amended by Law No. 2880 and Article 4 of Law No. 3843, all secondary education programs within the Vocational School and "Large and Small Cattle Breeding, provided that the status of current students are preserved, Tourism and Hotel Management, Food Technology and Ornamental Plants Growing programs were deemed appropriate to be closed. Currently, education and training are continued actively in 8 programs in Aquaculture, Organic Agriculture, Greenhouse, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Programs in passive and 7 other departments.